Monday, March 26, 2012


Next day was Jaipur. The Amber fort was our first stop. Lots of marble and lots of engravings of real gems on the walls. Sadly a lot of people had carved their names and slogans on the walls so a lot of things were blocked off. There were screens that women would look out to see the festivals and any other happenings that were happening down below. The carved walls that they stood behind allowed them to see, but no one to see them. We saw concubine quarters as well. There is also a floating palace in a middle of the lake that is being turned into a elegant restaurants. One where silver, or gold spoons are used and the food is themed to be rajasthani.

We had a orientation walk in the afternoon down the main street. Our hotel is very far from the main area, but the hotel is one of the best yet. Has hot running water, what look like clean beds that are in fact a lot longer then most of the small twin beds we have been sleeping in. There is AC and a large fan. Sadly the fan is either on full high (looks like it will fall out of the ceiling and land on you) or off and the AC feels like my parents room in the winter time (full cold and it’s necessary for you to find a blanket).

This day was a "free day." But we had optional activities, which I most definitely participated in. First thing we did was go to the temple of Wind. Lots of structures to look out from up high. Apparently is the second most photographed building to the Taj Majal. Some beautiful stained glass. Gives me some ideas for a fun project (that I don’t have anytime for). And some fun alley ways and stairs to explore.

We also were guided around the largest of seven observatories in India. A giant sundial, structures to calculate the local time, to calculate the angle of the sun, look at the astrological month. You could see that the sun was on Aries for the moment.

We went shopping next. I found a puzzle ring! This one has beautiful orange and blue stones in it. I got a special price because I told them that I would put it together.

An action packed Bollywood movie in a theater that would put the one I go to in Santa Rosa to shame. Lots of cheering, clapping, whistling (especially when the half naked women have an appearance). Indian's love romance. They also love Bollywood. The really popular Bollywood actors/ actresses look more western with their lighter complexion. Which might explain the constant stares.

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