Sunday, March 18, 2012

I miss Varanasi

So I don't think I realized how amazing Varanasi is. I was definitely taking advantage and walking all over the place. The atmosphere was very relaxed, even with the stares. Everyone seemed like they were enjoying life or at least doing what they wanted. The people working there have great aspirations, due to the Bollywood movies telling them that there is more out there. I loved getting lost on the back alley ways. The broken streets that turned this way and that way to who knows where. I miss watching the kids playing with sticks and marbles. Or watching them play cricket on the Ganga.
My hotel even had really good food compared to the one I'm staying at in Delhi. It may have been louder, but there were more places to escape and find peace.
I'm sad I don't get to go on another boat ride, and get chai on the side of the river. There were a good number of tourist there enjoying their stay, but it kinda felt like my vision quest back in high school. Where I see them smile or just don't acknowledge their existence. It's not that they weren't friendly there was just a calm demeanor about everyone doing their own thing.

Anyways I was just reminiscing before I start my next trip through Rajathan.

Love you all,

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