Monday, March 26, 2012


The next day may have to be one of my favorite locations. The palace we were staying in was a fort on top of a hill in the middle of a few small towns. The easiest way to explain how I felt at this place is to tell you that I felt like a pretty pretty princess.... Concrete was on the outside, but inside was filled with marble walls and floors. Each room was a different experience. There were so many stairs to run up and down and different corners of the castle had different views. I climbed some stairs that led to a door, but the wall was short enough that I could climb up on the roof (where if you know me I stayed for as long as I could). The view reminded me of flying about 500ft above the ground surveying what lay below. The things I would do to get in a plane right now. There was a common meeting spot that had a lot of chairs and a daybed. We had lunch, dinner and breakfast here. We were given all the drinks or food we wanted. There were stairs that led you to overlooks and nice patios. Like I said pretty pretty princess.

We had a village walk, where we took lots of pictures of the kids. Bought some bangles. and made it back to the castle in time to watch the sunset. We dressed up before dinner, in traditional clothing and danced before we sat down for a lovely dinner. The night air was warm and the stars were very bright. There may have been a water fight, but all calmed down by the time the electricity to the town/ castle was turned off for the night. Electricity is rationed to the villages outside of large towns.

I got up for the sunrise the next day, sitting on my hidden spot overlooking the villages. Very relaxing morning. I caught up on my journal and did my best to think of nothing.

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