Sunday, March 25, 2012

Train to Agra

O'Dark thirty we were up packed and headed for the crowded train station. The seats weren't bad. We had lots of leg space and they reclined a great deal. There was the problem of the school children who were screaming and throwing things at each other. I had a great game of scribble going before we got to Agra. Hotel in Agra was much nicer then the one in Delhi. Still had the same roommate who I was really enjoying rooming with. She is Italian, reminds me of a friend from Furman. She is very talkative, easy to get along with and has a great big heart.

We first go to the Red Fort in Agra, which was beautiful. Used to have a damn around it, a lot of people there taking pictures of everything in sight even the tourist that decided to show up. The creator had all religions in mind when he created this master piece. Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism.... The list goes on. The patterns note on all religions with the idea to work in harmony. There were gem stones worked into the marble walls and tripy fountains that when there is water in it will look like a elevated structure.

We went to a rug emporium, to see how they make these beautiful rugs by hand. Watching them tie knots and clean the carpet over and over again. Reminded me of my work in harvest. Very monotonous but in the end creates a work of art.

Next on the sightseeing day was the Taj Mahal. Now I don't feel as if I need to speak of its beauty because we all know how fantastic it is and how my words will not come anywhere near giving the credit it is due. I will tell you I took a lot of pictures of this symmetrical structure. Which everything is in symmetry except the graves inside. One being higher and larger than the other. I also feel as if I should share how many people wanted to take a picture with me or some of the other individuals on the trip. I felt it was good karma to take pictures of them, because I had been taking so many pictures of them. There were a lot of South Indian families that had come to visit the Taj. People also wanted to touch my hair....Putting it up was a good idea. I was very exhausted by the end of the day.

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