Saturday, March 17, 2012

Varanasi Trip (3.5 days)


So far, if I was to put my trip into bullet points

I have toured the Banaras Hindu Universty (largest in India),

Went to a silk emporium

I have been to the Shiva temple, Durga temple (also known as monkey temple)

I took a sunset boat ride on the ganga to see the night ceremony

Sun Rise boar ride on the ganga (night Puja ceremony)

Visit Sarnath (Buddha fist taught Dharma)

Walked the Ganga and kids playing cricket

It has been an interesting experience. Lots of people lots of trash. The colors are phenomenal. I still don't know when I'm going to get used to everyone staring at me. I have found the best way to deal with it is not make eye contact and not respond when someone says "hello" or "miss"... Confidence is key here. If your not clear what you want or what you will be doing you'll end up doing something or buying something you didn't want in the first place.
I am happy to see other people traveling around by themselves, makes me feel like I have a stronger footing.

I don't think it occurred to me before starting off to travel on my own with the only thing I wanted to accomplish was to go to different places. I found I was frigidity because I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to go and do things by myself, but I don't think I realized that without a goal I feel very unorganized. So I started walking and I felt better about that. But I didn't want to stop on the streets so I made it to the Ganga before I sat down. And it was nice to realize that I didn't have to do anything too enjoy myself. I could sit and watch the world go by and be completely content.

So I am off to New Delhi today to start wandering Delhi and Rajasthan.


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