Monday, March 26, 2012


Next day was Jaipur. The Amber fort was our first stop. Lots of marble and lots of engravings of real gems on the walls. Sadly a lot of people had carved their names and slogans on the walls so a lot of things were blocked off. There were screens that women would look out to see the festivals and any other happenings that were happening down below. The carved walls that they stood behind allowed them to see, but no one to see them. We saw concubine quarters as well. There is also a floating palace in a middle of the lake that is being turned into a elegant restaurants. One where silver, or gold spoons are used and the food is themed to be rajasthani.

We had a orientation walk in the afternoon down the main street. Our hotel is very far from the main area, but the hotel is one of the best yet. Has hot running water, what look like clean beds that are in fact a lot longer then most of the small twin beds we have been sleeping in. There is AC and a large fan. Sadly the fan is either on full high (looks like it will fall out of the ceiling and land on you) or off and the AC feels like my parents room in the winter time (full cold and it’s necessary for you to find a blanket).

This day was a "free day." But we had optional activities, which I most definitely participated in. First thing we did was go to the temple of Wind. Lots of structures to look out from up high. Apparently is the second most photographed building to the Taj Majal. Some beautiful stained glass. Gives me some ideas for a fun project (that I don’t have anytime for). And some fun alley ways and stairs to explore.

We also were guided around the largest of seven observatories in India. A giant sundial, structures to calculate the local time, to calculate the angle of the sun, look at the astrological month. You could see that the sun was on Aries for the moment.

We went shopping next. I found a puzzle ring! This one has beautiful orange and blue stones in it. I got a special price because I told them that I would put it together.

An action packed Bollywood movie in a theater that would put the one I go to in Santa Rosa to shame. Lots of cheering, clapping, whistling (especially when the half naked women have an appearance). Indian's love romance. They also love Bollywood. The really popular Bollywood actors/ actresses look more western with their lighter complexion. Which might explain the constant stares.


The next day may have to be one of my favorite locations. The palace we were staying in was a fort on top of a hill in the middle of a few small towns. The easiest way to explain how I felt at this place is to tell you that I felt like a pretty pretty princess.... Concrete was on the outside, but inside was filled with marble walls and floors. Each room was a different experience. There were so many stairs to run up and down and different corners of the castle had different views. I climbed some stairs that led to a door, but the wall was short enough that I could climb up on the roof (where if you know me I stayed for as long as I could). The view reminded me of flying about 500ft above the ground surveying what lay below. The things I would do to get in a plane right now. There was a common meeting spot that had a lot of chairs and a daybed. We had lunch, dinner and breakfast here. We were given all the drinks or food we wanted. There were stairs that led you to overlooks and nice patios. Like I said pretty pretty princess.

We had a village walk, where we took lots of pictures of the kids. Bought some bangles. and made it back to the castle in time to watch the sunset. We dressed up before dinner, in traditional clothing and danced before we sat down for a lovely dinner. The night air was warm and the stars were very bright. There may have been a water fight, but all calmed down by the time the electricity to the town/ castle was turned off for the night. Electricity is rationed to the villages outside of large towns.

I got up for the sunrise the next day, sitting on my hidden spot overlooking the villages. Very relaxing morning. I caught up on my journal and did my best to think of nothing.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Train to Agra

O'Dark thirty we were up packed and headed for the crowded train station. The seats weren't bad. We had lots of leg space and they reclined a great deal. There was the problem of the school children who were screaming and throwing things at each other. I had a great game of scribble going before we got to Agra. Hotel in Agra was much nicer then the one in Delhi. Still had the same roommate who I was really enjoying rooming with. She is Italian, reminds me of a friend from Furman. She is very talkative, easy to get along with and has a great big heart.

We first go to the Red Fort in Agra, which was beautiful. Used to have a damn around it, a lot of people there taking pictures of everything in sight even the tourist that decided to show up. The creator had all religions in mind when he created this master piece. Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism.... The list goes on. The patterns note on all religions with the idea to work in harmony. There were gem stones worked into the marble walls and tripy fountains that when there is water in it will look like a elevated structure.

We went to a rug emporium, to see how they make these beautiful rugs by hand. Watching them tie knots and clean the carpet over and over again. Reminded me of my work in harvest. Very monotonous but in the end creates a work of art.

Next on the sightseeing day was the Taj Mahal. Now I don't feel as if I need to speak of its beauty because we all know how fantastic it is and how my words will not come anywhere near giving the credit it is due. I will tell you I took a lot of pictures of this symmetrical structure. Which everything is in symmetry except the graves inside. One being higher and larger than the other. I also feel as if I should share how many people wanted to take a picture with me or some of the other individuals on the trip. I felt it was good karma to take pictures of them, because I had been taking so many pictures of them. There were a lot of South Indian families that had come to visit the Taj. People also wanted to touch my hair....Putting it up was a good idea. I was very exhausted by the end of the day.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Delhi, India

Man days are starting to blur together. I've forgotten what I have written and I feel like time has stopped and all that matters is what we are doing and what we are doing next. Life is good. I really love the people on my trip. I'm enjoying being around sarcastic English speaking people again. Most of the other people are from Australia or living there currently, there are also a couple from the UK. Everyone is very easy going and excited to do so many things. Another advantage of this trip is that everyone on it has done a significant amount of traveling in their lives. Travel both by themselves as well as with other groups and organizations. I feel really comfortable around all of them and I also find myself looking up to them. They each have an air of confidence that I admire. Something about traveling to different countries or feeling like your life is part of something much grander.

I left arrived in Delhi 4:30pm to get into a taxi and arrive at our hotel (buget hotel). My room was small, I have a new roommate and I felt out of sorts. I had been so consumed with ignoring people around me that it was weird to tap back into my extravert personality. I was so wiped out by the first night at dinner I was half falling asleep. Lets say I slept really well in the un air conditioned room. Very hot.

9am start, not bad, but I had been getting up early to see the sunrise in Varanasi so I got a little done by catching up on emails and making calls to my parents. Found out my sister fell from a great height and sprained her ankle and dislocated her arm....She'll be alright though. Very tough.

We went straight to the metro like a heard of goslings (our group is about 14). We white people stand out like sore thumbs here in India, it is hard not to notice who the tourist are. We went to Old Delhi to explore Jama Mosque. We got a introduction talk about how we pray? Answer we pray in our minds. Next question Why if we pray in our minds do we need a religious establishment? Answer they were created so that we could share knowledge with other people that share the same beliefs. But of course there is always the greedy people that want all the power and the original intent was thus useless. That got me thinking about how we use power and in what forms it is taken advantage of. We greedy humans have such potential for a bright future, but we always seem to find the best way to screw it up. Don't we want positive things to happen? How could sharing knowledge so everyone is on equal footing be a threat?

We left the mosque and headed across the street for a sweet shop. I tried loodo and a mango bite. Very tasty. The large group split at this point and most of the "youngs" stayed together to have lunch at a very very slow restaurant. We gathered our energy and started off for our next adventure. We were on our own and it was monday, which means a lot of places are closed. The Quitar Minar was closed as well as the lotus temple so we decided to head to the India Gate (which is a gate so can't be closed). The tuk-tuk drivers were trying to put a sheet over our heads and take our money so we decided to walk 15min to this gate. I think this is one of the most memorable moments of the day. As we 7 tried to figure out how to cross a 5 lane busy street...bikes, tuk-tuk, cars, bicycles everywhere and no one seems to leave a gap. We saw a couple of locals looking like they wanted to cross the street. We inched our way closer to them and waited to see what they would do. Following their steps we realized we were in the game of frogger. HOping to make it across but not hesitating long enough to find out if we don't.

The gate was large, and there were a lot of people around it trying to sell things and admiring the beauty of the structure. I was attached...with henna. Some lady grabbed my hand and didn't let go when I tried to take it back. I told her I wasn't going to pay (knowing when she was done she would demand gratification of her work)...And I was right, when she was done she followed me around demanding money. An argument started and a lot of men/boys started to surround us and made me feel very insecure. I was waiting for someone to make a move. I eventually just started to walk away and make my point. I got away scott free. We haggled with some tuk-tuk drivers to take us to the Red fort. That was closed too. We wandered around old Delhi and made it back to our hotel just before dinner.
Dinner was fantastic! We ate at a vegetarian place with Talhi. A bunch of small bowls filled with a lot of sauces and curries. We got three kinds of bread. The one with the sugar and sauce was my favorite. We had drinks at the bottom of the hotel, with those that decided to stay up a little later, telling tales and sharing dreams.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I miss Varanasi

So I don't think I realized how amazing Varanasi is. I was definitely taking advantage and walking all over the place. The atmosphere was very relaxed, even with the stares. Everyone seemed like they were enjoying life or at least doing what they wanted. The people working there have great aspirations, due to the Bollywood movies telling them that there is more out there. I loved getting lost on the back alley ways. The broken streets that turned this way and that way to who knows where. I miss watching the kids playing with sticks and marbles. Or watching them play cricket on the Ganga.
My hotel even had really good food compared to the one I'm staying at in Delhi. It may have been louder, but there were more places to escape and find peace.
I'm sad I don't get to go on another boat ride, and get chai on the side of the river. There were a good number of tourist there enjoying their stay, but it kinda felt like my vision quest back in high school. Where I see them smile or just don't acknowledge their existence. It's not that they weren't friendly there was just a calm demeanor about everyone doing their own thing.

Anyways I was just reminiscing before I start my next trip through Rajathan.

Love you all,

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Varanasi Trip (3.5 days)


So far, if I was to put my trip into bullet points

I have toured the Banaras Hindu Universty (largest in India),

Went to a silk emporium

I have been to the Shiva temple, Durga temple (also known as monkey temple)

I took a sunset boat ride on the ganga to see the night ceremony

Sun Rise boar ride on the ganga (night Puja ceremony)

Visit Sarnath (Buddha fist taught Dharma)

Walked the Ganga and kids playing cricket

It has been an interesting experience. Lots of people lots of trash. The colors are phenomenal. I still don't know when I'm going to get used to everyone staring at me. I have found the best way to deal with it is not make eye contact and not respond when someone says "hello" or "miss"... Confidence is key here. If your not clear what you want or what you will be doing you'll end up doing something or buying something you didn't want in the first place.
I am happy to see other people traveling around by themselves, makes me feel like I have a stronger footing.

I don't think it occurred to me before starting off to travel on my own with the only thing I wanted to accomplish was to go to different places. I found I was frigidity because I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to go and do things by myself, but I don't think I realized that without a goal I feel very unorganized. So I started walking and I felt better about that. But I didn't want to stop on the streets so I made it to the Ganga before I sat down. And it was nice to realize that I didn't have to do anything too enjoy myself. I could sit and watch the world go by and be completely content.

So I am off to New Delhi today to start wandering Delhi and Rajasthan.