Tuesday, April 10, 2012



And we are off again on a long journey to Udaipur. But not before our last chance to do yoga with the Maharaja! Today was more standing positions, which was a nice change. But still at a perfect level which I was comfortable with. Allowing me to follow easily and learn as I go.
Udaipur is known as the city of romance. On our orientation walk we are to notice the lake, silver shops, good places to buy books and a place which I will later travel back to too watch folk dancing.
Lunch was fantastic! I got pasta and it was delicious. Curry is still my main goal, but after having some stomach problems I am branching out a little and varying my meal more. Dinner will be curry, lunch I will indulge my western urges.
We went to the city palace this afternoon so we could have tomorrow completely free to do as we wish. The city palace is grand. Udaipur does a great job to cater to tourists. Making it comfortable to walk around and enjoy the surrounding area, but also knowing exactly where the food is and ATM’s and coffee shops… Anyways the City Palace has been well maintained through the ages. There are three main parts. The hotel where tourists can stay for a price, the main residence where the family still lives, and the museum where the tourists can learn some history and see old quarters and the style of living. Very lavish. There were some amazing overlooks of the town as well as the lake (with the floating hotel on it). Beautiful.
Next was a walk to Janak art, which is this local organization of about 20 families who are all artists and have been doing this art for generations (aka their father’s or mother’s taught them how to do their skill and their parents taught them how to do theirs). They have many of the miniature paintings that are in the city palace, masterfully created. They also do miniature paintings on your fingernails; I ended up with a peacock on my nail. Other family members also do palm readings and henna. (we will be commenting on that tomorrow).
Tonight there was a folk dance performance. Beautiful performances. Women twirling around making their skirts fling out like saucers. There was a marionette show with the head of the man character shot straight off. And the performance that everyone waits till the end to see was a woman who put 10 bowls on her head!!! Crazy. She danced and did some basic tasks with all of these balancing on her head.
Afterwards we went out to a romantic outlook over the water. Seeing all the lights on the dark hillsides and the reflections made this a very romantic place.
Sitting on a roof afterwards drinking some rum with good friends was an even better ending of the night.


Last day to enjoy this place before we continue on to our next destination. Today I will be traveling with two friends up a cable car to the top of a hill overlooking the area. So worth the risk of being in a gondola in India… With all the power cuts you never know. There were two temples up there one of which didn’t allow us to come in. Bummer, but it was hot and it was a good time to go back and escape the heat anyways.
Did a little bartering for a couple of gifts. Charlotte you should be excited, I got you something for your dorm. I am not so good at bartering, too easy to feel sympathetic when they tell me I am ripping them off or taking away their profits. But I think I have become hardened to this as well, because I know that confidence is key so they are most likely playing me…
When we got back to the middle of town we were pretty hunger so we sat down at the place we had lunch the other day and I got a pizza! Oh have I have missed thee. The rest of our group filtered in and out and we shared stories of what happened in our days so far. Just after lunch the palm readings and henna paintings started. I figured since I had to look business like in a couple of weeks henna on my hand might not be such a good idea. I did get a really amazing piece done on my shoulder though. And I got my palm read…Apparently I have a life of change where many things will not stay the same. Something about unnecessary stresses in my life and many different lovers. Oh apparently I will have two boys and a girl one day. And he was very specific about 2012 to 2013 being successful years for me to experience life. Oh palm reading how interesting it is to learn something that might happen. In actuality it is only 15% of what your life could be horoscopes are a supposed to be more accurate.
I got to go on a motorbike ride!!! So much fun. One of the artists we can call him the rider took me around town and through curvy roads and crazy intersections. I like motorbikes!
Sun set was watched on a boat in the middle of the water as we toured around. The floating palace was created for the prince’s party island. Hmm an idea…
Oh I can’t forget to tell you about the cooking class! Yes despite common belief I do know what a pot in a kitchen is used for. Thanks all ye doubtful followers. We made all the food and we ate all the food! We made chai masala, Khadai Paneer, Malai Kofta, Biryani Rice, Palak Paneer, and Chapati. If any of these things interest you you may come over to my house and help me make it and you can eat it too!
Another amazing day in Udaipur, ending under the moonlight on top of a roof. Not bad, not bad.

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