Tuesday, April 10, 2012



Off we go to one of the two cities of blue roofs. Bundi is a small town, more rural then the more touristy places westerners like to go. We had a orientation walk with a local guide who showed us the step wells, which fill up in a good monsoon period where the locals used to gather water from, as well as went to a fortress that was filled with monkeys and beautiful paintings. The paintings depicted snap shots of life when the castle was lived in. Some of the images had elephants fighting (a common past time for the ruler), or women hunting or bathing. Pictures of drinking. Also a lot of paintings of how many people love Krishna and what they do for him. Funny story girls are bathing and all their cloths are up on shore, so Krishna decided to pull a prank on them and take their cloths and throw them in the trees so when the women came out of the water they were begging Krishna to throw back down their cloths.
Apparently the owners don’t maintain it and the local people, as well as the monkeys think its fun to take it apart… sad thing. This fortress is up on a hill overlooking all of Bundi.
After this tour we had some free time to walk around the village on our way back to the hotel. Didn’t get up to too much mischief. Did buy some fruit though.
Back at the hotel people were either still wander, resting in their rooms, or drinking masala chai near the wifi area. Shyaam (our leader) was showing us pictures of his home and Bollywood movies clips.
Pretty fun night. I learned a new game with a matchstick box…but I’m not particularly good at this game.

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