Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Pune 4-4-12 Today is what I would call a pamper day. We both got massages. I got an ayurvedic massage to experience one while I’m still in India. So much oil, but totally worth every cent I spent on it. My hair still has oil in it the day after. Next we spent a lot of time relaxing at the side of a pool. Basking the raise of India. Have I mentioned yet that it is frickin hot! The cold water feels wonderful. And makes the mind at rest as we let the day go by catching up on all the experiences we have had to this point in our lives. Dinner was at Hard Rock CafĂ©, can we say that today is a great pamper day. We relaxed we ate a burger! Craziness. Pamper day was a success. Night time was a chance to experience India’s night life at a ladies night just outside where we are staying. And ladies get free drinks. We danced the night away! There was an audience surrounding us by the end, just watching…so awkward. But hey it’s India. On the plane to Pune I was sitting next to two really cool kids around my age. One is an engineer and the other is going to be flying for Indigo soon. I invited them to come dancing with us tonight. They were a lot of fun to have around. They were just as wild and crazy as me. And I don’t think I mentioned what a crazy coincidence it was to meet another women pilot in India on the same day. Makes me very excited to go back to the states and start some major flying again. Commercial here I come! Pune 5-4-12 Today I will call a lazy day. Catch up on this blog thing and learn a new skill. We slept in and are on a new hunt for a Shari (traditional Indian wear). But no luck today we will try tomorrow. This heat is pretty ridiculous. We did accomplish to make an Indian masala chia! Which was fantastic just in case you are curious. We bought some milk and added a lot of different spices and had a crazy good time mixing everything up. Fully satisfied with the taste we made another batch and are cooling it for some nice cold chai later tomorrow. There is live music at a restaurant we will be checking out tonight. The music plus the heat reminds me of summer days back at home when all I have to do is enjoy the atmosphere. Tonight we will be sleeping with our new invention. It is so hot here we take cold showers before we go to bed. We also realized that if we drape the damp towels (put in refrigerator for a couple of minutes) over our bodies as we are falling asleep we feel much cooler. Much more satisfying feeling while falling asleep.

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