Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Pune 2-4-12 Pune is much different then what I’ve been seeing. This might be my perspective now that life is going a little slower. This place has more western people living and working here. The people that are selling you things are not jumping down your through to make a sale and there are a lot more industrial buildings. A lot of car companies and NGO’s come here for work. It is so nice to see Virginia though! I’m glad I had the chance to travel around India and see a bit more of the culture, but I’m really happy I get to stay with Virginia in her apartment and make food and go out and just relax. I’ve done a lot of shopping too… Food here is much more expensive (obviously it depends on where you go to eat, but there are just so many more westernized places). Today was shopping and going out to eat and getting a huge meal! I’ve realized people here don’t bargain as much…So I am apparently good at this even though I know I’m not. Pune 3-4-12 We made some eggs with some delicious sun dried tomato sauce. Add some yogurt and peanut butter and we have breakfast. And we go out shopping a for a couple extra nick nacks I have failed to buy as of yet. Pretty relaxing day though. We explored old Pune, went to a castle (that was just make out central) and wandered random streets. There are so many different things in Pune, but everything feels very disorganized and not easy to find the thing you are looking for. So we tried not looking for anything so that we had a better chance at finding it. We had an amazing meal of chicken tikka and palak paneer on the roof and watched the sun set. Oh did I mention we bought a lot of sweets so those will have to be eaten at some point…

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