Friday, January 8, 2010

Sweet as!

So tired the first day, but we did so much. We drove up to Eden temple and looked out and all around us was the city. We could also see a volcano in the distance. We also drove to the shore and took some pictures there too. There was a really old wheel of some sort and then we were toured around the town in the bus. 

We stayed at the Best Wester, really comfy beds, but I don't think I spent any time in there unless it was to sleep. We had some free time after we got an introduction to the program at the university of Otago. Me and some people from the trip (Kevin, Paul, Tylor, Kate) went to a memorial museum. It was amazing. The exibit displayed Mayori history. They had displays of what the ceremonial buildings looked like. They had a replica of the canoe that fit a hundred soldiers. They had carvings, jewlery and clothing to help get a better sense of the place.

The WW1 and WW2 exibit were also very amazing. They didn't just show you placards of what happened. They had the great displays as well as rooms you could walk into to hear what it sounded like in the trenches or you could pick up a phone and click on a story to hear from someone who faught in the war. They also had a good number of displays for the airplanes used as well as stories. They had a spit fire on display and had a engine out in a glass display that you could turn a wheel and see how the engine works. Pretty cool museum. 

We went to dinner at an Irish pub and were very happy to eat again. Everyone parted their own ways and the group I stuck around with played cards. Started as BS then we played Egyptian rat screw... didn't do so well, and was happy to crash in bed around 10:00pm

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