Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kia ora!

So as some of you may know I celebrated my birthday in new Zealand on the 7th. It turned out to be a pretty good birthday. The day started out with a lecture on leadership; different styles, characteristics of a good leader, five key leadership practices. Then we wandered over to AUT (Auckland University) and were invited into a Powhiri which is the Marae communal gathering spot. We had to wait outside at the gate and line up girls first then guys behind. We had to pick a leader, from our group to represent us as well as pick a song. Tylor was our leader and our song was Amazing Grace. We walked through the court yard and paused in the middle to remember our ancestors then procceded into the area, after taking off our shoes. We were seated, men in front and women behind... to protect the women because she has the gift of life. Their leader prayed and they sang to us then it was our turn. A song is a way to communicate and in Marae tradition everything has a song acompaning it. After the formal proceding was over we had a lecture on Marae tradtions and learned a song and how to count to 10. an example of the song:

Ma Wai ra e taurima

Te marae I waho nei

Ma te tika, ma te pono

Me te arohe e... 

That is one verse that means who will look after the Marae. It will be cared for by truth, faith and luck. This is a farewell song for a leader on his leave. 

After this we were free for the rest of the night. We were all going to go to a karoake bar to celebrate my bday, but it was closed. So we all went our own way. One group went to Davenport an island off of Auckland. I traveled with Tylor, Chris, Kevin, and Paul to a quari and did my first outside rock climb. It was amazing! really hard though. We were watching the Kiwi's do it and were very impressed. I completed what I believe translates to a 10A in American numbering systems.

Afterwards we went to a burger bar and had a lamb hamburger with egg and cheese. Pretty good if I say so myself. 

We then wandered to a karoake bar on K street and the guys I was with all ordered a round of beers to celebrate. We sang... it was very fun. Although we started to realize we were at a gay bar and a lot of them came up to us and asked us why we were there. Kevin got hit on a number of times and flashed by a "women" who was pregnant. We stayed until around 2 am singing and having a great time. 

1 comment:

  1. of course it would be a gaybar- no better place to celebrate a birthday i always say

    miss you lots jamee gray...and I am sending you happy birthday vibes

