Saturday, January 23, 2010

South Island to North Island

Hey all,
Hope all is well in the states. It is a beautiful day today (Jan 21st). I'm taking a ferry ride to Picton on the South Island and tomorrow will get a bus to Christchurch. Picton is small, not too much to do. Took a nice walk around the town. They have a sight seeing tour in a sea plane if anyone is interested... not long enough here to check it out. I went with Kate to look at the glow worms on a hike past her camp site.
Jan 22nd
Bus ride to Christchurch up and ready really early. I sat with Andrew and had a nice chat, hope I get to travel some more with him around the south island, but he sounds like he doesn't know where he will be yet. We are staying at the YHA hostel called Rolleston house, it is across from the arts center and right next to the Canterbury museum. Found out there is free wi-fi in the library. Getting onto the Internet is expensive and I haven't found free wi-fi until now. Oh did I mention it is raining... oh cold cold summer.
Jan 23rd
Still cold just not raining right now... please hold out. I went to a place, with Kate, that teaches you how to carve bones. I made a necklace. I can't tell you who I made it for it could ruin the surprise. But it is a form of a fish hook. These necklaces that are made of bone cannot be bought for yourself you must give them to someone who shows good leadership it is Mauri tradition. And the first jade or green stone you find and carve you must give away because it makes it more special. Anyways just a tradition I am abiding by. We walked to Avon river back to our hostel got some crepes from the guy making them on the street. Checked out the Art Gallery, it was alright had some interesting blue exhibit. The Canterbury museum was very large. Not really sure where I went I kinda got lost. There was an exhibit on dinosaurs, Mauri people, Antarctica, huge bird exhibit, very kid friendly. Ok kinda boring you sorry. There isn't much to do in Christchurch. Met some Air force guys who were flying back from Antarctica to New York. Have I mentioned that we put four people in two beds... cuts the costs and we didn't realize we would be in a dorm like situation.
Ok really early wake up. And when I say really early I mean 3:30 AM! Ok it gets crazy. You ready. I waited for my shuttle to take me to the airport, of course they thought it was 4:15 pm not AM I did get picked up and dropped off for my flight to Auckland at 5:40. Caught a city bus to Auckland in just enough time to walk to the bus station to catch the inner city bus to KeriKeri. So I am now back on the North Island hanging out at this amazing resort called Keri Cliffs. Very peaceful and relaxing. I got a tour, I went to the beach, drove a golf cart and took a wonderful shower. I believe Bessie is just arriving now. Dinner time now.

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