Sunday, November 4, 2012

Olympic recap

OK SO.... I will have to do a very brief update because I feel as if this blog has been neglected or a while..I'm sorry. But I have lots of new stories to add and more fun pictures.
So fast recap: London Olympics were amazing! Opening ceremony was breath-taking. The energy surrounding the Olympic Stadium was inspirational. I was lucky to share this experience with my father, mother, sister and grandfather.
Throughout the rest of the time we were shepherded around to a few events. Getting on buses and the tube trying to make it from one event to the other in a timely manner. Tennis was held at the Wimbledon stadium, fencing was held at the ExCel, we were thankfully close to the Hyde park, gymnastics was in the north Greenwich area, swimming, basketball, cycling and track and field were in the Olympic park set out near Stafford. So we had a few different places to get to.
My family and I met a lot of amazing people and found a few good new friends. I was also lucky as a few good friends from college were able to participate in the games with me as well. Also seeing as it is a small world I saw a few friends that I have made overseas, and it is always nice to see familiar faces when you are some place new.
All in all seeing the Olympics with my family was amazing! We were able to meet some of the Olympians at the USA house and gain a better perspective of how hard they have to work and realize that they too are just human. There is so much going on in their lives and so much pressure to perform for these games and so many people look up to them. I can't even imagine what they are thinking.
While in London we also got to go to some plays and we got to go to this massive toy store and of course some sight seeing. What was even better was that we had some friends in the country that we got to visit. Very relaxing London country side, especially after the excitement over the games.